
Copyright Policy

ShiftIT Copyright Policy and

Notice of Copyright Infringement

ShiftIT, Corp. (“ShiftIT”) respects the intellectual property rights of others and expects its users to do the same.

It is ShiftIT policy, in appropriate circumstances and at its discretion, to disable and/or terminate the accounts of users who repeatedly infringe or are repeatedly charged with infringing the copyrights or other intellectual property rights of others.

The Digital Millenium Copyright Act of 1998 (“DCMA”) is a United States copyright law that provides online service providers who have content on their sites to be relieved from liability for copyright infringement if they promptly remove the offending content once notified of an alleged infringement by the copyright owner or his or her designated agent. In accordance with the DCMA and in recognition of various international copyright laws, ShiftIT will respond expeditiously to notices sent to ShiftIT’s Designated Copyright Agent identified herein regarding alleged third-party copyright infringements on the ShiftIT website or other ShiftIT-owned and publicly accessible digital properties.

A copyright owner, person authorized to act on behalf of one, or person authorized to act under any exclusive right under copyright may submit allegations of copyright infringements on the Site(s) by completing the following DMCA Notice of Alleged Infringement and delivering it to ShiftIT Designated Copyright Agent identified herein. Upon receipt of this Notice, ShiftIT will expeditiously remove or block access to the allegedly infringing content, notify the alleged third-party infringer of the same, and provide the third-party an opportunity to submit a counter-notice to dispute the alleged infringement. If a counter-notice is submitted, ShiftIT will promptly forward it to the complainant and restore the removed or blocked content within 10-14 business days, unless the complainant submits evidence that it has filed a lawsuit against the alleged third-party infringer regarding the allegedly infringing content.

DMCA-Compliant Notice of Alleged Copyright Infringement

You may contact ShiftIT to bring any instances of copyright infringement or violations to ShiftIT’s attention so that ShiftIT may review the information You have provided and, in a reasonable amount of time, determine whether Your request is valid and whether any copyright infringement and/or violations have occurred. Your notice to ShiftIT of any copyright infringement and/or other copyright violations must include the following information:

  • Information sufficient to enable ShiftIT to identify the copyrighted work(s) that has/have been infringed, or representative list of the copyrighted works that have allegedly been infringed.

  • Information sufficient to identify the infringing content and for ShiftIT to locate the infringing content, including, if applicable, the URL(s) of the Site(s) where the content may be found.

  • Contact information, e.g., mailing address, telephone number, and email address, of the person submitting this DMCA Notice (e.g., the copyright owner or copyright owner’s agent).

  • Both of the following statements in the body of the Notice:

“I hereby state that I have a good faith belief that the disputed use of the copyrighted material is not authorized by the copyright owner, its agent, or the law (e.g., as a fair use).”

“I hereby state that the information in this Notice is accurate and, under penalty of perjury, that I am the owner, or authorized to act on behalf of the owner, of the copyright or of an exclusive right under the copyright that is allegedly infringed.”

  • Provide the full legal name and an electronic or physical signature of the person submitting this Notice (e.g., the copyright owner or copyright owner’s agent).

  • Deliver this Notice and all requisite information to Shiftit’s Designated Copyright Agent, as follows:

Copyright Agent

c/o ShiftIT, Corp.

8484 Wilshire Blvd., Suite #215

Beverly Hills, CA 90211

You can file a counter-notification with ShiftIT’s designated Copyright Agent at the address listed above or at [DMCA@shiftit.health] of a notice of copyright infringement has been filed against You. Any such counter-notification must have the following information:

  • Your physical or electronic signature;

  • Information sufficient to identify the copyrighted material that was removed or disabled and the location from where it was removed or disabled;

  • A statement under penalty of perjury that You have a good faith belief that the copyright material was removed or disabled because of a mistake or misidentification;

  • Your name, address, phone number, and email address;

  • A statement that You consent to jurisdiction of the Federal District Court in the district where You are located; and

  • Acceptance of service of process from the complainant who submitted the DCMA Notice which You are opposing through a counter-notification.

The DCMA provided that the copyrighted material that was removed or disabled will be restored or re-enabled upon receipt of valid counter-notification. US copyright law provides substantial penalties for false counter-notices filed in response to a notice of copyright infringement brought pursuant to the requirements of the DCMA.

DCMA notices and counter-notices are only accepted to address copyright infringement claims and are not the proper method to report other legal claims (non-copyright issues, such as trademark claims, defamation claims, privacy claims, claims under the ShiftIT Terms of Use, or other such claims that are not brought under the DCMA.